Season 2

This is a season that abounds in growth spurts. A lot of Bart episodes give us the last few looks at him as a real boy, the show does a period episode to build up some lore, and the focus widens with an episode about an aunt and a principal.
By Gabriel, 30 Jan 18, 5

My Recollection Wow, this is like 3 episodes at once! My parents explaining the references to me. The Bart ravens marching around Homer’s head, chanting, “Nevermore”. I saw my first…

By Gabriel, 17 Dec 17, 1

My Recollection The name of the hair growth tonic, dimoxinil, always stuck in my head for some reason. The weirdly deliberate yet never expressed homosexuality of the equally strangely specific…

By Gabriel, 06 Dec 17, 1

My Recollection Bart worries about being kept behind after failing an exam. Martin Prince’s brief time as a cool kid. Bart’s reaction to kissing Krabappel reminds of the time I…